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12 Spiritual Disciplines for Men: The Bible

Is your life being changed by God’s Word?

God has given us the Bible - His very own words - with the intention that it would change the way that we live. Everything that God says demands a response. This means the Bible demands a response from us as well.  As the spiritual leader of your household, you have the responsibility of raising your family in the way that God would have us live and studying the Bible is necessary to doing this. In fact, I would dare say that you cannot do this or make any progress in your relationship with God if you are not reading and studying His Word regularly. Studying God’s Word is what fuels your relationship with Him and allows you to gain traction in your walk with God.

So I ask again, are you struggling to be consistent? Is it hard to find the motivation? Are you lost on where to begin?

Below, are four practical tips to help you develop this habit in your life so that you can begin to disciple your family and mentor your son’s and the young men in your life who need a role model.

Posted by Hunter Herndon with